Well, I have a lot of things that make me think and that inspire me and in this post, I'll put some of my favorite words said from some of my favorite people that inspire me everyday.
So here are they:
- "There's neither good or bad, but think make it so." - William Shakespeare
- "Deus quer, o Homem sonha, a Obra nasce, (...)" - Fernando Pessoa
- "Inspiration comes to us slowly and quitly ... prime it with a little solitude." - Brenda Ueland
- If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it." - William Arthur Ward
- "E cantando, espalharei por toda a parte,
Se tanto me ajudar, o engenho e arte" - Luís Vaz de Camões
- "Love, because it's in love that remains the true strength. If you love much you will win much and everything you do with love is well done" - Leonardo DaVinci
- “Even the deepest scar can be the biggest fortune, if you use it the correct way” - Yu Phoenix
- "The End of something is a good thing if it means the start of a new one" - Jack Strify.
- "Style Is War. It Always was and will always be." - Jack Strify
- "I don't think in things like, perfect things, like the best advice, the best thing that happened to me, the most perfect moment of my life, I don't think there's such a things. I only can think that every advice someone gives you, rather you follow it or not is a good advice. Because you always can learn something from people. That's something that shouldn't happen in the back of your mind, you shouldn't categorize things in bad or good because there isn't always such thing as bad and good there is also something in between and you just need to see through your own eyes and do your own mistakes to learn from something." - Jack Strify
Well, I know they're not all in english but, some of them I just can't translate because it would totally loose the whole meaning and stuff. So, I hope you feel inspired by this words as much as I do, and I hope that my last words inspire you all as well.
- "They say I'm crazy, but I'm a Dreamer and Dreamers never give up!" - Tânia Viegas
-Mrs. Hangover-TheJackyWarholSis'-
I love your blog's layout :)