domingo, 26 de dezembro de 2010

Mr. Hangover

Yeah, 2 months after, I do again a post about an ex-CB.
This time it's Shin or Mr. Hangover, my favorite CB *-*

Mr. Hangover.

Name: Marcel Gothow
Nickname: Shin
DJ name: Mr. Hangover
Nickname: Shin
Birthday: 12/12/1989
Place of birth: Berlin
Lives in: Berlin
High: 1,75m
Hobbies: play drums, hang out with friends
Jobs: Ex-cinema bizarre, DJ, Songwriter, Drummer.
Eyes Color: Green
Hair Color: blond
Size: 44
Drink: Water, beer
Food: Sushi
Animal: Cat
Song: "Kodou" by Dir'En Grey
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo


Perfume: Egoiste Platinum, Chanel
Music: Dir'En Grey, Sadie, Girugamesh, t.A.T.u, The GazettE, D'espairs Ray, Kagerou, Moi Dix Mois, Juli, Rammstein
Films: The Ring, Scary Movie, The Grudge, Lost In Translation, Final Fantasy VII
Books: "those are that things with words on it?"
Colors: black, white, shining
Favorite music from "Final Attraction": Angel In Disguise e Silent Scream
Actor/Actress: Oliver Kalkofe
Favorite TV Show: Spongebob Squarepants
Phrase: “Horny quite so”
Favorite musics: Fly on the Wall- t.A.T.u. & Glass Skin- Dir en Grey

Now, 4 of my favorite pics from Shin ^^:

2 comentários:

  1. Ai adoro !
    O Shin é lindoo *-*
    Adorei especialmente a última fotografia (LL)

    Segue o meu blog , eu retribuo :$

    Shinjinhos **

    ps: adorei o teu blog ^^
